How to protect your confidential information online?

These days if you are not online you are in danger of being left behind.

Everything is shifting online, from banking to your social life, and even watching television. However, while the Internet is convenient, it can also be quite risky.

Once hackers compromise your online accounts it can be time consuming and emotionally draining to make things safe again.

To protect against hackers, here are 3 risks to online privacy, and how to protect against them.

1 Risk 1: Weak Passwords

Using online tools popular with hackers, it can take as little as 10 seconds to ‘crack’ a password. Everything from your email account to your Netflix subscription is put at risk by faulty passwords.

The solution? Use passwords that are 8 characters or longer, and make sure your passwords include numbers and symbols.

2 Risk 2: Viruses and Malware

Many web pages can easily host viruses and malware that harm your computer and steal your personal information. When your browser opens the infected web page, you automatically download a virus without even knowing it.

Even if your anti-virus program detects malware, it is actually impossible to remove from your hard drive. You may have to totally reinstall Windows or even buy a new computer.

The solution? Make sure your antivirus is up-to-date, and is configured to automatically detect malware on web pages.

In addition, consider using the Chrome browser, which actually warns you when you click on a link that the web page is infected.

3 Risk 3: Your Browser Knows Everything About You

Your Internet browser knows everything you have ever searched for online, as well as every single web page you have ever visited. If hackers get access to your computer this can have disastrous results.

The solution? Use a specialized program to scan for and clean all Internet cookies and temporary web pages from your computer, such as OneSafe PC Cleaner.